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  • Can You Tell the Difference in Writing Between AI and Humans?

Can You Tell the Difference in Writing Between AI and Humans?

Wake up! It’s the future.

AI is becoming more essential for a growing business. But right now AI is a tool and used properly in the skilled hands of a human, a powerful one.

Copywriters have been a hot topic of discussion around the use of AI. Many have lost their jobs already in place of AI, but others have learned to use it well and are running with it.

If people are losing their jobs to AI, is it that seamless where you can’t tell if a human or AI wrote it?

ChatGPT can’t tell the difference with its own writing.

"It demonstrates a level of creativity and understanding of human experiences that aligns more closely with human writing."

No, I don’t believe it does.

I ran this article through multiple programs to see if they could tell it was AI-written, and they all said it was. But I also put my writing through them and some said it was most likely AI-written, so who knows.

ChatGPT can’t tell and other AI tools might not be the most reliable. But can you tell?

I’m going to post two passages below and let’s see if you can tell if they were written by me or an AI.

Think about the prevailing themes in your life or the trajectory of your business so far. Have you experienced significant shifts in your actions or objectives during certain periods? These transitional phases can be identified as distinct themes. For instance, my twenties were dedicated to establishing a foundation, while my thirties revolved around optimizing what I had already initiated.


Consider the overarching themes of your life or your business journey so far. Notice any periods where your actions or goals shifted dramatically? You can label these as distinctive themes. For example, my 20s were all about laying the groundwork, and my 30s? They were focused on maximizing what I'd started.

They were both written by AI. Sorry if I tricked you.

Nothing about either passage was distinct, and it feels like a poor attempt to be personal to the reader. That’s not to say it wasn’t decently formatted. It was. But to make that passage work it would take a human to touch it up.

All of this is to say copywriting is still a valuable skill. If your industry and target market can do well with good copy in emails, ads, newsletters, etc. investing in a person to help you could make a large difference.

If you could tell it was AI written, then you should now see why a good copywriter is important.

If you thought they were both written by me then you might need someone with some copywriting skills.

Your friendly reminder that copywriters are still king,

Casey Puckett